jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Spain has lost 11.000 researchers since 2010

Sum Up
 Spanish R & D employs 123.224 people in full-time equivalent, a figure which stood at levels of 2007.Later , the group rose to 130.966 in 2008, 133.803 in 2009 and 134.653 in 2010, then begin a gradual fall: 130.235 in 2011, 126.777 in 2012 and 123.224 in 2013. In 2013, women represented the 40,2% in a completly journey but the highest percentatge of female participation were in private nonprofit institutions( 56,4%) and the civil service ( 51,4%).
The Spanish R & D reached its best year in 2010 (14.588.000), after gradually increasing from 11.815 in 2006, 13.342 in 2007, 14.701 in 2008 and 14.582 in 2009. Since then, it has been a slow decline: 14.184.000 in 2011, 13.392 in 2012 and 1.012 in 2013.
 Personally I think that in the computer age, the technology age we need to invest more especially in the medicine. It's a pity that the new researchers have to leave the country because the don't have job here, and if they invest in other country, all the research that they will do will be attributed to the country where are they. So we are creating good researchers but they have to leave and work for another country. If we see the numbers, we can see that Spain every year is spending less money in invest so they are less researchers so we don't descover nothing so we have less money and if we don't have money we don't spend it to invest, it's a wheel

 This new doesn't have any special vocabulary

Scientific field
All the fields of scientific but it afects a lot to the researchers

 Link: http://elpais.com/elpais/2015/01/21/ciencia/1421839651_074890.html

                                                                                                                          22 January 2014

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