domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

El ‘Hubble’ capta la ‘cruz de Einstein’ de una supernova

To sum up:

The Hubble Space Telescope has photographed a surprising phenomenon: a distant supernova explosion multiplied by four because their light is bent by the gravitational effect of a massive galaxy.
The galaxiaestá at a distance of about 5,000 million light years from Earth and the stellar explosion, about 9,500 million light years.

In my opinion:

I can' t believe how impressive are these phenomenons.
Our knowledge about the universe is very little if we compare it to what we know of our planet.
 The Space Telescope photograph multiple images of a stellar explosion, which means we have learnt a lot of new-tech but we don t know about this scince.

P.S. : Sorry for the delayed of this new.

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