martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Ganímedes, la mayor luna de Júpiter, alberga más agua líquida que la Tierra.

EL MUNDO       - 12/03/2015


The space telescope "Hubble detected the presence of a large underground ocean under the crust of the largest moon in the Solar System.
The discovery was made indirectly.
Approximately, this large quantity of salt water was about 100 kilometers deep (about ten times more than the deepest oceans of our planet. Discovered by Galileo in 1610, the giant moon Ganymede has a size comparable to Mercury and features own magnetic field.


It 's really amazing the fact that a space telescope is able to see as further as the giant moon from our planet.
And not only this, also scientifics could notice that there were water under the floor.
From my point of view, it 's very interesting astronomy topics, but that one has made me very conscious of that new discoverment.


Magnetic field = campo magnético.

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